Workday® 2020R2: Feature & Adoption Resource Cards

Every Workday release comes with dozens of updated features. But, finding the enhancements that will yield the highest payoff for your effort can be difficult and time consuming. So, we’ve dug through all of the release notes for you and created Feature & Adoption Resource Cards to highlight the most exciting and impactful changes coming in 2020R2 and what those changes mean for you.
Our team has decades of experience, going back to Workday-3 in 2007. We know that the release notes are frequently hard to decipher and do not tell the full story. To save you some time and frustration, we’ve gathered, organized, and analyzed all of the need-to-know information in any easy to digest format in our Workday® 2020R2 Feature & Adoption Resource Cards, available now for download.

Open any card from the 2020R2 list below. The top of the card is information directly from
Workday®. The bottom half is what our consultants at teamUpHR added to help customers
review several key features with a quick read.
Cross Application Services
The cards answer the questions you care about:
What does it do? (Description)
Who will it help? (Target Audience)
How long will it take? (Uptake Complexity / Uptake Project Description)
How hard is it to set up? (Level of Effort)
Is there an effect on overlapping modules? (Impacted Modules)
Are there any prerequisites? (Prerequisites)
Our Feature & Adoption Resource Cards are designed to help customers with all this information in one spot. On one page, or “card”, per item. The goal is for customers to be able to read through all the cards that interest them in an hour or less.
For example, let's take a closer look at this Discovery Boards card:

You will see on the bottom half of this card that both the Complexity and Effort are "Low." This is helpful if you have heard people talking about Discovery Boards but you haven't yet had the time to look into it. Actually, we encourage a quick read of our Workday® 2020R2 Discover Boards blog and watching this Discovery Boards demo video on YouTube.
Contact Us to learn more, or for assistance with Workday®.