Workday® 2020R2: Journeys

I'd like to introduce you to Workday® Journeys, which is part of the Workday People Experience (PEX.) Before jumping into Workday Journeys, a high level breakdown of the Workday People Experience (PEX.) There are 3 parts to PEX:
Workday Today: This is the new homepage. For now it is optional, and could be turned on based on security groups if you would like to test it out first. This is currently in limited general availability, but will be released to more customers soon.
Workday Help: Knowledge and Case Management. We have not had the opportunity to use this set of features yet.
Workday Journeys: This includes Personalized Journeys, Custom Cards, and External Data Connections. Of these, most of what I'd like to share with you in this blog entry is Workday Journeys.
Workday Today is the only one of these three that is free. Both Workday Help and Workday Moments are new SKUs. WORKDAY JOURNEYS One way to understand the basics of Workday Journeys is to compare them with Business Processes (BPs.) A BP is designed from the admin viewpoint. It is a series of steps for an administrator to oversee. Unlike a BP, a Workday Journey is designed for the end user viewpoint. For example, we have a Journey called "Transition to Manager" for an employee who is going to become a manager. Another important place to use the new Journey functionality for us is related to the "Start International Assignment" process. We will have a series of steps, such as Workday Learning courses, articles links, tasks like updating emergency contacts, maybe even links to books on Amazon that they could purchase that may be helpful for their planning. We can choose to make some steps required, while others will be optional. Instead of having administrator approvals like a BP, an end user is completing the steps at their pace. While administrators aren't involved, they can check to view the status of where the end user is in their "journey" and determine what they could do to make it more helpful for end users that go through it in the future. You can also have multiple groupings of steps, and the ability to make steps or groups of steps required. Another part of Workday Journeys are custom cards. These give you the ability to create your own version of cards, which are the block sections in the middle of the screen on the new homepage. These new cards can call APIs to pull in live data from other systems ("live" data in that it isn't stored in Workday) to display to users. You will also be able to create new cards for a variety of other use cases. Where do you get started with PEX? There is a lot of information on Community for PEX. Here are a few helpful starting points: People Experience Overview: Workday Journeys Overview: Workday Help Overview: I hope this short blog gives you a good starting point for Workday Journeys, because we have found them quite useful.
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