Workday® 2022R2: Feature & Adoption Resource Cards

Each Workday® release comes with dozens of updated features. Finding the enhancements that yield the highest payoff for your effort can be difficult and time consuming. We’ve dug through the release notes for you and created Feature & Adoption Resource Cards to highlight the most exciting and impactful changes in 2022R2 and what those changes mean for you.
To save you some time and frustration, we’ve gathered, organized, and analyzed all of the need-to-know information in any easy to digest format.
The cards answer the questions you care about:
What does it do? (Description)
Who will it help? (Target Audience)
How long will it take? (Uptake Complexity / Uptake Project Description)
How hard is it to set up? (Level of Effort)
Is there an effect on overlapping modules? (Impacted Modules)
Are there any prerequisites? (Prerequisites)
Our Feature & Adoption Resource Cards are designed to help customers with all this information in one spot. On one page, or “card”, per item. The goal is for customers to be able to read through all the cards that interest them in an hour or less.
Download the full list of 2022R2 Cards here.
Need Assistance?
Do you need assistance with reviewing the feature release items, testing existing functionality or setting up new features? Contact Us to learn how we can make the Workday 2022R2 Release work for you.